Thursday, September 16, 2010


I weigh the same as I did when I started the blog in March. I took the summer off. And the late spring. And my birthday, which happens in the early-to-mid September window. But now, I try again. And Confucious say there is no try, only do. So I guess I'm doing it. I turned 39. I joined the gym. I still love coke, but I don't love feeling out of control when I eat and making bad choices when I know better. So I'm back.

And my reason: to role model healthy eating behaviors for my kids

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Things You Should Not Expect

1. I will not necessarily be cheerful and full of pep while losing weight. I mean, maybe I will once I start seeing real results, but right now, I 'm not happy about not being able to stuff myself full of junk food anymore. Also, I don't love exercise until I'm really in the groove, so bank on some bitching there, too.

2. I will not totally "eat clean." There is no way I can give up coke and chocolate without causing myself severe mental anguish. I will portion control them, yes. And make sure that I'm eating lots of healthy food to keep filled up on, but when it comes to the fizzy HFCS-filled concotion that keeps me moving forward after a night of work, I can't quit. And by "can't," I actually mean "won't." And I will need chocolate on a semi-regular basis as well. And by semi-regular, I mean every day.

3. I will be brutally honest about how I'm doing. Good news, bad news, I'll tell the truth even if it makes me look like an out-of-control loser. In fact, I'm actually banking on my fear of being humiliated to pull me through this thing.

Oh, What a Beautiful Morning

NOT. I'm tired as hell and a bit sore from my previous two workouts on M and T. Still, I gamely gobbled up some blueberry greek yogurt (where have you BEEN all my life, anyway?), and got back in front of the wii active and did about 500 lunges and bicep curls. It turned out to be a really good workout. But then, as I always say, you never regret doing a workout, do you?

On the agenda for the rest of the day - a lot of housekeeping busywork, maybe walking the dog and I'll have a pesto tortellini dinner from TJ's for dinner. Lunch is up in the air. Needs to have veggies in it!

Edit: Almost forgot today's reason - so that I can get my red dress altered down and wear it to Jodi and Michael's wedding in May.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Days 1 and 2

The Wii Active is kicking my ass. It's two days on, one day off. Today I'm off but Linds and I still took the dog for a short walk around the neighborhood.

Eating has been portion controlled and within reason. Whole grain bread, cereal, ground turkey breast, pasta, oatmeal. I fully realize that I need more veggies in my life. Today's my "eat out" night at work and I intend to get a salad.

Mindset is good, happy. I think I'm going to close every post with a reason why I want to lose weight. So today's is: because I want to be able to ski full days with my kids.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Mercifully Short Intro Post

I'm Jen. I'm going to lose 50 pounds by the end of the year. And I'm going to use this blog to document how I did it. So this is where I begin!